Semi Official Memebomb Archive

Do not open this door under any circumstances.
#1036 -268 = 2572 - 2840 - +
As the Euclideans would have it, irrationality is the square root of all evil.
#768 -281 = 2591 - 2872 - +
Discordianism: the Schroedinger's Cat of religions.
#3898 -284 = 3187 - 3471 - +
Who are you? SERIOUSLY, WHO?
#3200 -296 = 2677 - 2973 - +
water is just boneless ice
#6036 -419 = 2419 - 2838 - +
I'm in this for the money.
#3785 -276 = 2352 - 2628 - +
The size of the mouth is inversely proportional to the size of the brain
#5754 -298 = 3531 - 3829 - +
Hate is a chemical reaction.
#3886 -264 = 2170 - 2434 - +
It's painful to suffer the bosses; it's even stupider to pick them.
#1876 -285 = 2398 - 2683 - +
Singular Souls Siphoning Shiva
this is the holy dance which ends the world
#5679 -261 = 2895 - 3156 - +
My armor is contempt
#2085 -258 = 2500 - 2758 - +
Black sheep are still sheep.
#840 -387 = 4454 - 4841 - +
In fighting amongst the slaves makes owning the slaves easier.
#4032 -308 = 2401 - 2709 - +
cereal is the gateway drug, perfected
#4631 -316 = 2537 - 2853 - +
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.
-John F. Kennedy
#2946 -249 = 3316 - 3565 - +
#6102 -250 = 3196 - 3446 - +
it has just been discovered that research CAUSES CANCER IN RATS
#6013 -346 = 2355 - 2701 - +
Education is a form of murder
#1135 -380 = 2440 - 2820 - +
#4507 -261 = 2352 - 2613 - +
I wouldn't know how to act if I weren't in trouble.
#1587 -256 = 2884 - 3140 - +
Actors will happen in the best-regulated families.
#658 -312 = 2288 - 2600 - +
Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.
#4660 -247 = 3149 - 3396 - +
It is a strange wind that blows no ills.
#5879 -332 = 2022 - 2354 - +
That wasn't a bomb; it was a suggestion.
#2623 -267 = 2727 - 2994 - +
#6216 -351 = 3019 - 3370 - +
Free Baser Evil!
#1280 -313 = 2181 - 2494 - +
brainwashing = meme brainwashing = meme
#4017 -286 = 2622 - 2908 - +
Always be ready to walk away from a bad idea.
#4620 -293 = 3131 - 3424 - +
explaining a rabbit-hole to a rabbit is like explaining water to a fish.
#6201 -254 = 2877 - 3131 - +
Hunger is the mother of beauty
#4741 -340 = 2510 - 2850 - +
most people are not fit to rule themselves
#2075 -312 = 2514 - 2826 - +
when you shit in your garden, is it considered caring about your plants, or hating your plants, or just being too poor to afford a goddamn toilet.
Get a goddamn job, hippie.
#5819 -325 = 2708 - 3033 - +
Je suis un chou-fleur sous un echequier enorme.
#1888 -2102 = 4898 - 7000 - +
out of chaos comes wisdom
#6054 -256 = 2868 - 3124 - +
Convictions cause convicts.
#953 -323 = 2173 - 2496 - +
whatever you do today, please, make sure you lock the doors.
#6408 -630 = 2161 - 2791 - +
This message isn't for you
#2925 -323 = 2417 - 2740 - +
#6165 -367 = 3076 - 3443 - +
Today is a good day to start writing on walls
#4714 -323 = 2164 - 2487 - +
Is there an officer, problem ?
#5221 -237 = 2193 - 2430 - +
Reality is the original Rorschach Test.
#4059 -389 = 2282 - 2671 - +
#6214 -286 = 2983 - 3269 - +
They lack imagination and leak imbecility.
#5784 -365 = 2121 - 2486 - +
Clap your hands if you believe in the Federal Reserve
#5074 -349 = 2311 - 2660 - +
"Makes little sense when applied to its quotation" makes little sense when applied to its quotation
#3834 -265 = 2551 - 2816 - +
The coward regards himself as cautious, the miser as thrifty.
-Publilius Syrus
#2653 -253 = 2499 - 2752 - +
Question lobotomy.
#2357 -309 = 2484 - 2793 - +
there is *no* conspiracy. the government *is* out to get us.
#4590 -250 = 2596 - 2846 - +
We could do that, but it would be wrong, that's for sure.
#3082 -335 = 2430 - 2765 - +
Abel had no descendants.
#4209 -262 = 2292 - 2554 - +
The brotherhood is edgy, but the establishment fills many more graves and cages.
#5634 -270 = 1941 - 2211 - +
Blessed are the trouble makers
#5587 -261 = 2063 - 2324 - +
Your insistence in objective truth is making me want to tell you grander lies
#5038 -244 = 2942 - 3186 - +
MAKE AMERICA (race)bait again
#6160 -330 = 2432 - 2762 - +
people are boring unless they are extremists
#2273 -290 = 2212 - 2502 - +
#6286 -285 = 3271 - 3556 - +
Dreamed any reality lately?
#4215 -321 = 2158 - 2479 - +
Portions of the preceding were recorded. As for the rest of it, I'm very much afraid it was all in your mind.
#2319 -281 = 2144 - 2425 - +
The charms of a woman are directly related to the speed of her passing.
#2646 -238 = 2974 - 3212 - +
If it is as it is is it as it is or as it is to be pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?
#1647 -299 = 2547 - 2846 - +
Life is like a hair on a toilet seat.You always get pissed off in the end.
#4604 -238 = 2156 - 2394 - +
Don't give them what they want, give them what they need
#4026 -321 = 2037 - 2358 - +
It is what it is, is it not? it is not.
#4783 -272 = 1852 - 2124 - +
Repeat after me: I will think for myself.
#3998 -251 = 3380 - 3631 - +
Everybody's a self-made man; but only the successful ones are ever willing to admit it.
#1185 -320 = 2444 - 2764 - +
The rain, it raineth on the Just and the Unjust fella. But chiefly on the Just because the Unjust steals the Just's umbrella.
#2758 -249 = 3046 - 3295 - +
roads less traveled often lead to happier places
#5023 -252 = 3267 - 3519 - +
If you can't write history, write the future.
#4143 -276 = 2956 - 3232 - +
How do you think *this* got here, huh?
#3848 -263 = 2447 - 2710 - +
greyface loves keeping records of people
#6082 -325 = 2636 - 2961 - +
Nothing happens for a reason; when it does, pay attention.
#5109 -277 = 2593 - 2870 - +
#5805 -297 = 2520 - 2817 - +
Reality is not a persistent hallucination.
#2381 -294 = 3238 - 3532 - +
Are you sure? Why not?
#3707 -325 = 2719 - 3044 - +
Do not under any circumstances suspend disbelief.
#1043 -272 = 3057 - 3329 - +
Please question the following answer:
#5761 -333 = 2360 - 2693 - +
Stop thinking. Stop speaking. It is still possible.
#4809 -248 = 3284 - 3532 - +
Politicians and diapers should be changed often, and for the same reason
#2310 -285 = 2413 - 2698 - +
Moving parts in rubbing contact require lubrication to avoid excessive wear.
#2080 -263 = 2432 - 2695 - +
I've seen the future and I leave it all behind
#1628 -347 = 1922 - 2269 - +
Examine the following:
#4241 -259 = 2468 - 2727 - +
#5494 -269 = 2652 - 2921 - +
step one: build a better idiot
#3753 -299 = 2954 - 3253 - +
Beware your actions, your future will be your past, eventually.
#4555 -294 = 2228 - 2522 - +
it's a headless blunder
#1832 -314 = 2121 - 2435 - +
Do you feel that on the back of your neck?
#5637 -305 = 1923 - 2228 - +
Democracy: 9 out of 10 enjoy gang rape.
#3820 -244 = 2551 - 2795 - +
Second star on the right, and onward 'till dawn
#2450 -286 = 2381 - 2667 - +
Capitalism: That hypnotic, trance-like music that keeps them dancing on the backs of the bruised.
#4801 -287 = 3010 - 3297 - +
If there's one thing she cannot stand, it's anything.
#4560 -262 = 2101 - 2363 - +
Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.
#1114 -267 = 2230 - 2497 - +
Bored people are boring people.
#847 -436 = 2864 - 3300 - +
Is the earth really rotating, or is it me not drunk enough ?
#5368 -367 = 2343 - 2710 - +
#1212 -274 = 2437 - 2711 - +
HIMEOBS: Dude, where's my spysat?
#1424 -294 = 2198 - 2492 - +
Those who make peaceful revolution possible make violent revolution necessary
#4518 -306 = 2812 - 3118 - +
Atheists are the most religious people you'll ever met.
#5327 -303 = 2348 - 2651 - +
war is a purification rite
#3053 -274 = 1765 - 2039 - +
You're not really drunk if you can lie on the floor without hanging on.
#3383 -283 = 2239 - 2522 - +
#2918 -266 = 2331 - 2597 - +

5203 Live Kwotes, 741 Deleted Kwotes

Based on the GPL Kwotes Project