Semi Official Memebomb Archive

fascism is coming back in a big way!! thank you not fundamentalism!!!
#5978 -255 = 2696 - 2951 - +
People fear death, and religion is like their 'get out of jail free' card
#3982 -238 = 2934 - 3172 - +
Mankind has been on a bad trip for a long time now.
#2025 -284 = 2190 - 2474 - +
Laziness is a Parent of wisdom
#5907 -264 = 2203 - 2467 - +
The Beginning is Nigh
#4576 -265 = 2750 - 3015 - +
We are King Midas: everything we touch turns into matter.
#3986 -354 = 2214 - 2568 - +
The White zone is for loading and unloading only
#4969 -309 = 2433 - 2742 - +
salvation can't be bought and sold
#2434 -309 = 2168 - 2477 - +
Mission accomplished.
#2053 -289 = 1678 - 1967 - +
Never attribute to intelligence that which can be adequately explained by sheer dumb luck.
#2111 -293 = 2124 - 2417 - +
Ordo ab Chao ....
#5332 -252 = 2534 - 2786 - +
We don't hate vegetarians, we just think they're funny.
#3084 -392 = 2049 - 2441 - +
You know better
#3323 -355 = 2127 - 2482 - +
The measure of the greatness of a society lies in how it treats its weakest members. The measure of a person lies in how they react when presented with the truth.
#5769 -321 = 3637 - 3958 - +
i don't hate crime.
#6156 -335 = 2924 - 3259 - +
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
#3175 -263 = 2700 - 2963 - +
pursuing pleasure for the sake of pleasure will ruin you
#2347 -278 = 1714 - 1992 - +
Stasis is the most potent force for change.
#3677 -294 = 3022 - 3316 - +
It's hard being yourself while everybody is watching.
#3884 -249 = 2728 - 2977 - +
We're supposed to be perfect our first day on the job and then show constant improvement.
-Ed Vargo
#3122 -279 = 2661 - 2940 - +
Yield to temptation; it may not pass your way again.
#3249 -317 = 3076 - 3393 - +
#2152 -346 = 2165 - 2511 - +
#6285 -321 = 3157 - 3478 - +
Life is not a free show...the price is life.
#1971 -277 = 1908 - 2185 - +
Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense.
#1437 -299 = 2527 - 2826 - +
A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.
#592 -327 = 2454 - 2781 - +
Don't let signs like this one tell you what to do.
#5540 -290 = 2472 - 2762 - +
Everything is true - Everything is permissible!
#1193 -252 = 2598 - 2850 - +
Don't fuck with the government: it might reproduce!
#4984 -265 = 1839 - 2104 - +
At least i know how to live a Painfull life instead of beeing death !
Question : "does that make me a Necron ?"
#5363 -305 = 2641 - 2946 - +
Change is here to stay.
(And nostalgia isn't what it used to be.)
#5381 -259 = 2572 - 2831 - +
Break a pattern today.
#857 -374 = 2553 - 2927 - +
in case of duplicates, you should delete one copy?
#4503 -331 = 2093 - 2424 - +
Art is dangerous
#761 -262 = 2505 - 2767 - +
All supposedly 'selfless' acts are entirely selfish. when someone wants to give money to charity they are selfishly doing what they want to do.
#5157 -350 = 2686 - 3036 - +
knowledge should be advanced at all costs
#1931 -329 = 2508 - 2837 - +
I once shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I don't know.
— Groucho Marx
#1551 -274 = 2285 - 2559 - +
The fragmentariness of life makes coherence suspect.
#3581 -280 = 3260 - 3540 - +
You cannot be, what you really could, be as long as you think, you are only what you are.
#3299 -307 = 2265 - 2572 - +
Reality is the original Rorschach Test.
#4059 -384 = 2238 - 2622 - +
to be is not to be
#5760 -307 = 2773 - 3080 - +
Perception is nine tenths of the law
#4358 -303 = 2174 - 2477 - +
Every generation has thought that they would be the last. Every single one has been wrong.
#3979 -318 = 2934 - 3252 - +
with perseverance you can discover any truth
#3229 -335 = 2145 - 2480 - +
I am feeling so grey today... Change this for your country's police hotline
#1479 -250 = 2184 - 2434 - +
If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is.
#1646 -248 = 2679 - 2927 - +
We know where you are. We know where you've been. We can more or less know what you're thinking about.
#5209 -292 = 2438 - 2730 - +
Liking is not enough; we must share. Willing is not enough; we must post
#6067 -398 = 2558 - 2956 - +
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch.
#1003 -317 = 1843 - 2160 - +
it's a headless blunder
#1832 -310 = 2070 - 2380 - +
check your assumptions
#909 -303 = 1948 - 2251 - +
Rigor Mortis is just the start of a new adventure
#6465 -311 = 1477 - 1788 - +
#2706 -253 = 2384 - 2637 - +
don't take take any crap, but please give a shit.
#4550 -324 = 1998 - 2322 - +
#6141 -323 = 2948 - 3271 - +
Seriously, in another second or two, you're going to really hate yourself for having read the entirety of this self-indulgent abortion of a sentence.
#2464 -258 = 2641 - 2899 - +
lux levit fiat.
solar reich.
hell yeah mofo.
#5529 -292 = 2093 - 2385 - +
When you work at the limits of your abilities, you can't possibly know what you're doing.
#5293 -286 = 2120 - 2406 - +
the grand unified conspiracy theory ate the last cookie!
#4730 -252 = 2537 - 2789 - +
Wrong is the natural state of the world
#5940 -277 = 2146 - 2423 - +
You are what you hate.
#4249 -1928 = 4835 - 6763 - +
#3956 -292 = 2171 - 2463 - +
349bdays till.darmagedoom.
#5521 -385 = 2668 - 3053 - +
I think all any of us really wants is connection, and I think as a culture we've somehow fooled ourselves into thinking there's exactly one person in the world who can give it to us.
#4296 -258 = 2670 - 2928 - +
#6254 -264 = 3031 - 3295 - +
If you do not change your direction, you may end up where you are heading.
#4040 -282 = 2806 - 3088 - +
Sighting Locations
Location: London, England, United Kingdom
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The following ISS sightings are possible from Wednesday Dec 23, 2015 through Friday Jan 1, 2015
#5691 -252 = 2727 - 2979 - +
Imprint your reality here.
#5594 -256 = 2061 - 2317 - +
I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat.
— Will Rogers
#1489 -272 = 2311 - 2583 - +
Somebody you spoke to recently is stalking you.
#2519 -311 = 1683 - 1994 - +
You were alone before they left you
#5632 -260 = 1957 - 2217 - +
Reality is that which doesn't go away when you open your eyes; the real world is that which doesn't go away when you close your eyes.
#5564 -286 = 1867 - 2153 - +
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
#4726 -259 = 2388 - 2647 - +
And I thought I was original!
#714 -356 = 3604 - 3960 - +
Noone knows our destination.
#2168 -344 = 1938 - 2282 - +
‎"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" -Albert Einsteinabout
#4455 -312 = 2219 - 2531 - +
Your computer is lying to you.
#4268 -270 = 2800 - 3070 - +
Those who can, do; those who can't, simulate.
#2942 -297 = 2349 - 2646 - +
Criminals are made the moment a law is passed
#961 -293 = 2647 - 2940 - +
Those who think ignorance is bliss are ignorant and blissful
#2948 -281 = 2077 - 2358 - +
There's nothing wrong with slavery
#2867 -289 = 2264 - 2553 - +
Enlightenment won't save you any more than God will.
#3478 -268 = 2209 - 2477 - +
A liberal is a conservative who has been arrested.
#601 -302 = 2771 - 3073 - +
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers" Pynchon
#4895 -306 = 1953 - 2259 - +
"No Comment" is a comment.
#5064 -287 = 2381 - 2668 - +
The day we make a solar powered tank will be a bittersweet day for humanity, indeed.
#4328 -316 = 2442 - 2758 - +
Lions: 5, Christians: 0.
#1985 -332 = 2093 - 2425 - +
Why are you so sure?
#3706 -283 = 1831 - 2114 - +
It is difficult to repair a watch while falling from an airplane.
#4481 -279 = 2556 - 2835 - +
It's getting worse, isn't it?
#1849 -319 = 2649 - 2968 - +
class action is a nice idea with no substance
#917 -384 = 2778 - 3162 - +
I've come a long way since I've believed in anything
#1623 -309 = 2380 - 2689 - +
Just because it's not wrong doesn't make it right.
#1909 -345 = 1886 - 2231 - +
The City eats dreams and shits out monkeys.
#4097 -286 = 2737 - 3023 - +
When in doubt, fuck it. When not in doubt... get in doubt!
#3168 -290 = 1992 - 2282 - +
j.m. barrie was an inncocent
#4638 -257 = 2239 - 2496 - +
Anybody can win, unless there happens to be a second entry.
#738 -375 = 3115 - 3490 - +
Free Will is sacred to GOD. so use your free will the way god wants you to - or else.
#4761 -313 = 2105 - 2418 - +
THEY buy your happiness. Steal it back.
#2876 -318 = 2064 - 2382 - +
I will be back in 10 years from now to delete this message. I promise.
#5275 -335 = 2358 - 2693 - +

5201 Live Kwotes, 741 Deleted Kwotes

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